Selasa, Mei 15, 2012


SALAM...It's  preety awesome  when our school  choosen by PPD ( ....again )  to be the host in English Teaching Lessons..It's happened today ( 15/5/2012 ).......
a day before cheerful moments - A teacher's day ( tomorrow- 16/5/2012 ) luckly we are to be the Malaysian .. The Educational is our prirority..We Have A Big Name and An Expert Teacher here..We Have Mr V Kannalingam ,
 Mr Prasad Rao ( FROM PPD ).. Mr Ilham Ganesh ,Mr Mohd Aminoor Mohd Alit  ,
, Mr Zalman and Mrs Maimunah..
Neither You got it Buddy Nor You just blink in the class,our English language lesson will be more fun ,more attractive , more activities rather than before...Presented by Our teacher ( Pn Aishahmayuzi Hisham and Pn Hjh Mokmah Samah ) agak- agak ketaq tak lutut tu  ckg Aishah...
Anyway , Just take A look  Buddy...

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